Perfil de Vitaliy Tarasov

Evapolar - evaWAVE

Design industrial

Humidifier evaWAVE
Powerful & Smart Humidifier

EVAPOLAR / 2018 / Humidifier
Designed by  Vitaliy Tarasov
Mechanical engineer by  Aleksandr Kliavinsh
Hardware Engineer by  Anton Doinikov

Meet evaWAVE - the world’s most advanced evaporative humidifier and aroma diffuser by Evapolar. evaWAVE perfectly combines the efficiency of the most powerful ultrasonic humidifiers and the benefits of the evaporative ones. Stylish LED lights, Aroma Essentials and Sound Collections make evaWAVE the best way to enjoy your every breath. On top of this, the device integrates with your Smart Home platform and can be controlled via the Evapolar mobile app.

There is a constant struggle between ultrasonic and evaporative humidifiers. Both types have pros and cons. Ultrasonic devices are powerful, however they leave pools around and white dust on the surfaces. Evaporative ones give more natural humidification but their evaporatie pads are organic what leads to bacteria growth.
evaWAVE combines the best features of both types, what makes it simply the best humidifying solution.​​​​​​​

                             Our health is what we breathe and what we eat.                         

Task analysis



Design Process

Breathe the nature. At home
Supporting our Responsive Care approach we designed evaWAVE to make the nature closer to humans. Eco-friendly in every way and totally safe for babies and pets
it is the embodiment of the nature.

Unprecedented efficiency
Maximum performance combined with a hi-tech design. Massive R&D support has allowed us to create an outstandingly powerful humidifier. And we won't stop saying that...

How it works

The dry room air is guided by a turbine through the moist EvaBreeze® cartridges and absorbs the water. The air is enriched with moisture in a natural way and cleaned from impurities (such as dust, pollen, pet hair and mites). Silver ionization has an inhibitory effect on bacterial growth and leads to more hygienic humidification. The built-in turbine helps the humidified air spread up to 100 m². The air coming through aroma cartridge fills the area with the tender fragrance.

EvaBreeze® material has proven its efficiency twice in our personal air-cooling devices, evaLIGHT™, evaCHILL™and evaSMART™. Its effect is achieved due to a nanostructure that enables outstanding absorbing capacity, combining both hydrophilic and hydrophobic effects. This allows the material to efficiently absorb water and easily take it into the air. There is a great evaporation from a small surface. EvaBreeze® is totally safe and is approved by international certificates.

Evapolar - evaWAVE
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Evapolar - evaWAVE

Meet evaWAVE - the world’s most advanced evaporative humidifier and aroma diffuser by Evapolar. evaWAVE perfectly combines the efficiency of the Ver mais

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