I've illustrated three books for IPIO publishing house in their series of children's books about famous people: about Albert Einstein, Audrey Hepburn and Charlie Chaplin. It was a pleasure to illustrate these books as the publisher gave me freedom to draw whatever I want! So it was quite a relaxed experience - and that's a rare one. ;)
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In general I have no strict workflow algorithm when I illustrate something. Sometimes I sketch in pencil first - like when I worked on the Chaplin book.
But sometimes I sketch digitally and skip the pencil step.
You do recognize this mustachioed fellow, am I right? ;)
But when the contour is ready the process is always the same: time for COLOURS!
So all three books I've illustrated look different to me as I've had different
approaches to them - and to be honest, quite a bit of time passed between each one of them so I guess my style changed a bit. But luckily I still like them all ^_^
Fin. :)
Thanks for watching!

Books for IPIO

Books for IPIO

My illustrations for children's books published by IPIO publishing house


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