Marcin Bartoszewski profili

3d scanned statue turned into jewelry piece

This is quite interesting how this project came up. I have a friend in the UK who has found very old grave statues broken by vandals. He`s showed it to me. I`ve been amazed by those old masterpiece shapes. This statue lays broken far from the grave and probably won`t be renovated ever. I`m Poland based, so I`ve asked him to do some photogrammetry photos exactly how I need them to get the best possible quality (ordinary DSLR camera). We wanted to keep those shapes from being forgotten. He sent me those 180 digital photos to make a photogrammetry 3d scan from it (Agisoft Metashape software). I`ve scanned it with my settings. After scanning, I aligned parts together in Zbrush and made cleanup, reconstruction, and welding (you won`t recognize breaking place). During reconstruction and cleaning, I wanted to left the current mystic old soul of that beautiful piece. After that, I shortened it a bit to be better for a pendant. I`ve added also hook at top of that. I`ve changed that broken statue into jewellery pendant ready to print in precious metals with some online services like or Without our work, those shapes would be forgotten forever. Now that statue has a new life.
Above you can see a photo of real statue laying on the ground. Please notice also breaking place which was repaired during post-production stage in Zbrush.
I wanted to see those shapes before making it in precious metal, so I printed it on my Prusa MK3S with 0.25mm nozzle (0.07mm layer height). You can see that jewellery prototype below:
3d scanned statue turned into jewelry piece
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3d scanned statue turned into jewelry piece

Changing old broken statue into jewelry pendant ready to 3d print and cast in precious metals with using photogrammetry and Zbrush scultping.

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