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Revitalising Pelletstown

Interpretation drawing_Abstract approach to subjective site analysis.
'Forestry, not forest'.
This project's concept was 'forestry, not forest' linked with the current economical climate in Ireland and the large amounts of vacant land which was intended to be developed on during the housing boom and now have been left and 'abandoned'.
We took pelletstown as a good example of this types of development and through the use of landscape architecture how we could use/improve these spaces while still allowing for the development of housing  to take place on the sites in the future.
The project allowed for a interesting relationship between the design and the staged development of building, allowing the design to never be a finished design but one that is continuously changing to the development and its ecological, economical and social needs.
The site was a staged development allowing for the slow development to take place over a long period of time to insure a successful development.
The follwoing drawings are showing the staged developments of some of the core aspects of the site.
The site utilized the shared public space as a way for creating a community atmosphere while also allowing for the unused sites to be activated before development to take place.
Community Orchard
Community forest space
The housing allows for a close relationship to the forestry allowing to it to supply wood for burning to fuel house energy costs.
This link creates an interesting atmospheric link between the house and the forest through forestry techniques.
Revitalising Pelletstown

Revitalising Pelletstown

The development of urban forestry and the creation of temporary landscape scenarios which give rise to and facilitate new site planning and housi Read More
