Profilo di Cameron Haddad

CHC11 Keynote Sketch & Process

Every year Cerner co-founder and CEO, Neal Patterson delivers his next year's forecast of Cerner's role in the evolution of healthcare keynote at CHC. The 2011 keynote was presented through Prezi and took on a deep-dive narrative format for the presentation. For this particular project I was filling in for graphic facilitator, Tom Benthin, who is a master of breaking complex ideas into simple imagery. I could never match Tom's style, but I could help interpret the visuals until he arrived.

All content is boiled down starting a month out from CHC and and is tweaked and fine tuned literally up to the last hour before the keynote. It is imperative to understand complex subject matter in a very short amount of time with little room for misunderstanding. My job is to interpret and deliver clear visual representations of the subject matter for a universal health care audience.
The narrative starts with quick marker comps to illustrate the individual concepts and ideas.
Each concept is fleshed out in more detail and combined to tie the story parts together,
Once the story is complete and storyboard is created the drawings are combined into one large image and is mapped out for final production in Prezi.
CHC11 Keynote Sketch & Process

CHC11 Keynote Sketch & Process

Album art sketch
