Adirondack Chair Project
This was my final project for my Materials and Processing undergraduate course. I choose to create an Adirondack chair due to the many designs and styles that could be used for the creation of this type of chair. In addition, this project served as an excellent project to showcase the many various woodworking tools and techniques I learned throughout the course
After the project idea was chosen, research was done to discover what patterns, styles and materials could be used to create the Adirondack chair. Then, a design plan was chosen along with cypress wood being the chosen material for the creation of the chair. Next the amount of material was calculated and multiple pieces of cypress was purchased from a local lumber supplier.
The raw cypress lumber to be processed as material for my project. Cypress was chosen as a material due to it's material properties and its beautiful patina that would occur over time
After the raw material was processed through planing, jointing, measuring, and cutting, the various pieces were then assembled using wood glue and wood screws. Along the way, pieces were routed and roughly sanded to give the project a smoother finish.
The assembled base frame for the chair
Horizontal slats were added to become the seat of the chair
Vertical slats were added to become the back of the chair
Two large pieces were attached to become the arms of the chair
The chair fully assembled
After the chair was assembled, wooden plugs were hammered and glued into place in order to cover the many screw holes in the chair. The plugs and the rest of the chair was once again sanded with medium and fine grit sandpaper to prepare it for its protective finish as the last step.
Wooden plugs drilled out of a scrap piece of cypress material
The chair after sanding
Lastly, coats of tung oil were applied as a protective measure while also allowing the wood to go through the natural patina process. 
Completed Adirondack chair outside
The Adirondack chair project was very enjoyable and was an excellent way to test the knowledge and skills gained throughout the semester. In addition, much experience and skills were gained by the creation of something I had never built before, as well as the tools and assembly necessary in order to create the chair. 

If this project was to be done again, I would include several modifications to the project. Such modifications would be to cut curves into the back braces in order to have the back vertical slats curve inwards and give the chair a more of a conforming feature, as well as to cut curves into the stringers which the seat slats would follow to give the chair a more of a conforming feature. In addition to the alterations to the seat and back slats, larger round-over bits would be used on some parts of the chair as well as more decorative features would be added to the design of the chair. Lastly, the creation of a small foot rest would be included with the chair.
Adirondack Chair Project
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Adirondack Chair Project

Wooden Adirondack chair

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