Social Anxiety

In this assignment, we are required to come up with an original story line and produce a video with the use of stop motion.

For my video, I decided to tell a story of my experience with social anxiety. When I first started being an artist, I represented myself with a fox as I could not draw humans at first.  Over time, this fox slowly puts on a horned skull as I started to realize how reserved I was.
This video shows how I struggle to communicate and get closer with new people. Sometimes, I wish to say more but the thoughts interrupt. Sometimes, I wish to show that I am paying attention to what they say but I can't look them in the eye. I've pushed many people away, especially when I feel like they think that I'm not worth their time. I used to be quite a loud and friendly person (believe it or not) and ironically, my name, or so I've been told, means 'friendly' in Arabic.

Even so, I still have a group of my closest friends. I don't approach people anymore but these specific friends approached me, represented by the bird in the video. They took their time with me, forcing themselves into my life until I decided to take them in, though rather hesitantly at first.
Behind The Scenes

My original plan for this video was to use the wool felt puppets that I've been working on for the entirety of April but due to the pandemic and isolation, I could not retrieve the suitable materials in time to make the proper puppets. So as a backup plan, I made paper dolls instead but with the same story line.

Fun fact: The bird is made up with my lovely group of friends and their favorite colors.
The original puppets
Test pose with the paper doll
Makeshift recording area
Social Anxiety
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Social Anxiety

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