immortalization of the most sought-after product of the COV2 pandemic
the down of modern art; a fine art criticism in the form of digital art 
This fast-fun project is a fine art criticism in the form of digital art.
If you are not familiar with the world's most expensive banana, a modern piece of art (sold for 120,000 USD), and the trollmaster performance artist who ate it (with no regret), just google it up.

Oddly, toilette paper has become the most sought after product worldwide during the pandemic, so it is evidently worth way more than a half rotting piece of fruit. Sadly I do not have the right connections so I can stick one roll of treasure on a museum wall, so I made it in digital format and released it on the web. Since it's only a digital presentasion of a critic idea and not a real life piece of art, I'm afraid I'm waiting in vain for an enthusiast performance artist to terminate my art. 
"there is no fate but what we make"

By its very nature, my version is indestructible.


This fast-fun project is a fine art criticism in the form of digital art. Oddly mode toliette paper has become the most sought after product wor Se mer
