toyzzle is a toy
toyzzle is a puzzle
Constituted by multiple pieces with various shapes, it is the perfect entertainment for children and adults. It requires exceptional creativity, outstanding imagination and high levels of assembling technics. It‘s also recommended for someone that fancies spending quality time playing with puzzles, but also appreciates total freedom of creation without the fear of a wrong outcome. All creations are welcome and recognised.
Every piece is tainted with watercolours - to maintain the wood texture - and then coated with transparent varnish suitable for toys. The pieces can be stuck together by fitting the gaps to each other (or even to the sides of another piece), and the friction prevents the parts to fall apart, even when upside down.
One set of this toy contains structural pieces - regular shapes with geometrically placed openings - and organic pieces, for a more abstract look and to convey character to the constructions created. To increase the possibility of outcomes, there are also multiple pieces per shape.

design concept | toy
KISD winter semester 2019/2020




Brief: Develop and build a wooden toy, from the idealisation to the prototyping.
