2019 CHBL VI
2019 年,Nike 與中國學生體育協會正式宣布合作,成為 CHBL 賽事的主要贊助商,耐克高中籃球聯賽將成為中國學生籃球運動中備受矚目的賽事。而沛肯與 Nike Greater China 也再次攜手合作,首度投入賽事品牌的規劃,為 CHBL 提供一套完整的賽事識別系統。

CHBL Logo 設計以中國代表元素的角度出發,球形為主形體,融入祥雲概念象徵中華文化深厚的底蘊,緞帶伴隨著賽場的氣氛環繞,星芒高掛代表賽事的榮耀光芒,動與靜的構成、繚繞的手法,讓球體構成的 Logo 依舊能感受到一股流動的能量。色彩上透過中國國旗的呼應,展現官方賽事的權威,以紅黃色的搭配代表高中籃球的熱情與活力。

In 2019, Nike and the China School Sports Federation officially announced the partnership as the title sponsor of the CHBL games. Nike high school basketball league will become the most high-profile event in Chinese student basketball. Plugin B&V and Nike Greater China are working together again for the first time on the event branding to provide CHBL with a complete league identification system. 

CHBL logo designed from the perspective of Chinese visual elements. We took the basketball image and blended into the concept of auspicious clouds that symbolize the profound heritage of Chinese culture. The hanging star of glory surrounded by the flying ribbons, the dynamic and static composition, all bring flowing energy to the spherical-shaped logo. The red and yellow color represents the enthusiasm and vitality of high school basketball, echoing through the Flag of China to show the authority of the tournament.

Through the branding design for CHBL, our vision is to outline the palace of high school basketball in China and to stimulate the players’ belief in basketball so they can bring their best game with pride and joy.

Production:沛肯品牌視覺行銷 Plugin B&V
Director:賴殷偉 Ray Lai
Project Director:張菊芳 Jil Chang
Project Manager:林瑋恩 Weien Lim
Logo Design:林瑋恩 Weien Lim
Designer:林瑋恩 Weien Lim/謝秉融 Pinho Hsieh

2019 CHBL VI

2019 CHBL VI
