Vans Replaceable Sandal Strap Kiosk Design UI/UX
Kiosk IxD Project Brief:

Imagine a brand wants to create a touchscreen kiosk for its flagship store. Customers would be able to customize and order one of the brand’s signature products using the kiosk. They’ve reached out to you to create the kiosk’s touch interface. The brand’s goals are to have a stand-alone kiosk experience that requires no attendant. Design the core experience of customizing the brand’s signature product, as well as the idle and “attract” experience, and checkout experience for the kiosk. The items sold at the kiosk may be imaginary or real.
Initial Insights on Vans and Kiosks + Moodboard:
After researching and identifying the problems I wanted to focus on, I chose to focus on an item that doesn't exist yet for Vans: Replaceable sandal straps. It provides a great opportunity for customization and fits well with the brand's products as they are very focused on shoes and sandals.
Initial Wireframes + User Testing Insights
Revised Key Screens
Vans Kiosk UI/UX

Vans Kiosk UI/UX
