Mario de Toledo Sader profiliSkylab 5 profili

Lennon: The Bermuda Tapes

John Lennon:
The Bermuda Tapes

Excerpts of Lennon's demo tapes, recorded in Bermuda, are integrated with game play and documentary storytelling. John Lennon: The Bermuda Tapes was an interesting project to be part of, as it yielded some surreal situations, such as Yoko Ono using my illustration of her as her social media profile picture the month the app was released.

My role: Illustrations

Full credits:
Directors: Mark Thompson, Michael Epstein

Produced at:
Mod Op (formerly Eyeball)

Lennon: The Bermuda Tapes
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Lennon: The Bermuda Tapes

Illustrations for the app retelling the story of how John Lennon's last album came to be.

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