The 300 Random Icons Project

In 2012, I decided to challenge myself with a personal project. The thought was to expand my concepting and illustration skills on a much higher level than I was used to professionally. My project was called 300 Random Icons.

The challenge, in a nutshell, was to create an icon for whatever random two-word phrases I could come up with. Some were common, some were timely, some were even ridiculous. But, they were all there to try and visualize in a single image for my blog followers to see. They weren't all great, but some turned out pretty nice.

Feel free to take a look here, and if you're so inclined, check out the complete collection.

If you'd like to buy prints, they are available for select icons here.
Thanks for looking!
300 Random icons

300 Random icons

My personal design challenge for 2012, 300 Random Icons. Some of the 300 posted icons that appear on the blog.
