Dysway Brussels
A map of a self-guided walk designed for dyslexic tourists in Brussels
For my masterproof I started from a personal experience, I have dyslexia and I encounter a lot of problems when walking through a city. In my dissertation I did more research on navigation problems by dyslexic people. There came out 3 important elements that could give problems. First problem is that they don’t know the difference between left and right, for people with dyslexia these are words without any meaning. The second element concerns textual information, people with dyslexia often change letters from place or reverse them, they also invent there own words. The third element is that people with dyslexia, think more in a visual way, they think non verbal. With these elements I started to think about a possible solution.
My solution names Dysway Brussels. Dysway Brussels is a map of a self guided walk for dyslexic tourists in Brussels. Left and right are replaced by colors. The map of the walk is located in the middle of the spread, so the spread is closer to the reality, because what is in reality on the right side is also on the map on the right side and what is in reality on the left side is also on the map on the left side. On the map you will find icons, they each represent a detail of a reference building you can find on your way. The detail is also available as a pop out. Folded out you can compare it with the real surrounding. I also included some historical information about those buildings, reduced to minimum. The “eyes” on the map refer to interesting sites along your way. The used fonts are dyslexia friendly.
Dysway Brussels

Dysway Brussels

A map of a self-guided walk designed for dyslexic tourists in Brussels
