Profil appartenant à Aaron Baldo

Week 8 - Munch Overheard Poster #MVM20 #s5131886

Making Visual Media Week 8: Munch Overheard Band Poster 
(Aaron Baldo, #MVM20 #s5131886)

This week I was tasked by Munch Overheard, an ambient acid jazz liquid funk band to develop a poster promoting their upcoming poster. It needed to include information regarding the event, such as dates, and any special guests attending the venues.

After designing a layout I was happy with, I needed to choose some images to help represent the upcoming acts for the tour, with the provided images, I manipulated them to clip into a bubble mask to give off a playful, funky vibe. Additionally, my live tracing the images with a low fidelity filter, I was able to make some contrasting colours pop, which helped blend the overall colour scheme of the images with the harsh yellow background.
After choosing the images, I needed to find fonts which best represent the mood I wanted to represent with the poster. I was looking for 'funky' and 'expressive' fonts, as the concept of acid jazz and liquid funk are very unique expressive music styles. Therefore, picking fonts to simulate the feel of music would give viewers the sort of vibe this band would express during their concerts. After looking for fonts, I opted to utilise the 4 fonts below.
After adding the additional fonts and images I was happy with the first draft produced, which can be seen below. However after consultation with the client, I realised that there were some stroke and spacing issues with the main title of the poster. Thus, I needed to fix the font size and the harshness of the font strokes. After this, the client was pleased with the outcome and a final design was published.
Week 8 - Munch Overheard Poster #MVM20 #s5131886
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Week 8 - Munch Overheard Poster #MVM20 #s5131886

Making Visual Media Week 8: Munch Overheard Band Poster (Aaron Baldo, #MVM20, #s5131886)

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