Perfil de Sophia PiercePerfil de Sophia Pierce

"A Wizard of Earthsea" Redesign and Marketing

"A Wizard of Earthsea" Front Cover
This project is a redesigned book cover of Ursula K. Le Guin's "A Wizard of Earthsea", along with five possible Instagram posts and a short stop motion animation.  Some more fun illustrated typography featuring my first ever shot at animation!
Front Cover, Spine, Back Cover
Instagram Posts in Mockups
Instagram Post 1
Instagram Post 2
Instagram Post 3
Instagram Post 4
Instagram Post 5
Stop Motion Animation Short
Sound on for this one!  The ending is a bit cut off but I'm really happy with how it turned out.
"A Wizard of Earthsea" Redesign and Marketing

"A Wizard of Earthsea" Redesign and Marketing
