How to increase muscle mass? Gain 5 kilos in a month
How to increase lean muscle mass?
The greatest muscle growth is not only achieved through training. If your goal is to gain 5 kilos of muscle mass, you are in the right place in just four short weeks. Are you constantly wondering how to increase muscle mass? You need to eat a lot of protein, lots of quality carbohydrates, and even a good portion of fats (good fats). But it is not as easy as eating anything and everything you can get your hands on. That is why we must fight this battle for our body. tadacip-20

Sure, we go to the restaurant or street stall and order a couple of hamburger fries and a big Coke, doing this constantly will help you gain weight, but it will be the wrong kind of weight. Building quality muscle without a bulging belly, chubby or small rims on your waist has the right plan, which will help you eat the right kinds of food at the right times and in optimal proportions. It may seem complicated, but we are going to break it down step by step simple and easy for you. So all you have to do is answer the question how to increase muscle mass and the answer is to train, eat and see the results in front of the mirror.

Timing is Everything

Let's go into detail to discover how to increase muscle mass: You have to consume at least 55 calories per kilogram of body weight per day, made up of at least 4 grams of protein, about 6.5 grams of carbohydrates and around 1 grams of fat per kilo of body weight. That's over 4,500 calories, over 360 grams of protein, almost 540 grams of carbohydrates, and 90 grams of fat a day for an 80-pound bodybuilder.

Before and After Training

We want to gain quality muscle mass, a nutritional window of opportunity is before and after workout training. It is when you can put a large amount of protein and carbohydrates without having to worry about converting them into body fat since they will be used to grow muscle like at no other time of the day. Not only are shakes (smoothies) recommended before and after training, it is also advisable to drink a shake during your workout to gain more muscle mass. In addition to providing large amounts of protein and carbohydrates, each shake should include supplement ingredients such as creatine, glutamine, and branched chain amino acids. The more the merrier, as they will all be used by the muscles to support recovery and growth.

In the morning

Another key moment to respond to how to increase muscle mass is in the first minutes after waking up in the morning. Do you like to brush your teeth and bathe first? You have to change that habit quickly, incorporating two breakfasts in the morning, one as soon as you wake up and the second after 30-60 minutes.

In fact, the first few moments of the day can make or break your efforts to gain muscle. Why? Your body uses the liver's glycogen overnight for fuel, and when levels are low, the body then uses muscle protein for fuel. To stop this, you need fast-digesting protein and carbohydrates, so your first breakfast should include whey protein and a piece of fruit, white bread, or Vitargo (an advanced carbohydrate supplement). The amino acids in whey quickly enter the blood stream so that your body can use them, and thus not use muscle proteins, as fuel. Fast-digesting carbohydrates immediately replenish glycogen in the liver and signal the body to stop feeding its own muscle.

Before Sleeping

What about sleep, and to answer our question, how to increase muscle mass? The answer is that just before going to sleep is the last chance during the day in terms of sports nutrition. You need a slow-digesting protein, such as casein, to provide a constant supply of amino acids to your muscles throughout the night to maintain the body without using its own protein stores in the body. Another option is cottage cheese, which is high in casein protein. Our meal plan combines the healthy fats of flaxseed, walnuts, dried fruit, and peanut butter with the protein sources mentioned before bedtime to aid in slower protein absorption.

Foods of Importance

We want to show a few foods of great importance for consumption, for those who want to gain mass. These foods have been shown in clinical studies to be superior in gaining muscle. If you really want to get closer to your goals, you should include these foods in your diet every day:

We are talking about whole eggs, yolks and whites. Researchers from Texas A&M University (College Station) found that subjects who followed a weight-lifting workout and consumed three whole eggs per day, had gained approximately twice the muscle mass and strength compared to the subjects. they ate no more than one whole egg per day.
Whey Protein

It can be considered a supplement for some, but we label it as a food. Whey protein is the fastest to digest. It is also rich in branched chain amino acids (BCAAs) and provides peptides (small protein fragments) that improve blood flow. To build muscle, you'll want to drink a whey protein shake every day upon waking, as well as before and after workouts.

Casein Protein
Casein protein is also essential to gain mass. Research shows that when subjects add casein to their whey shake after training, they gain more muscle mass than those who don't. Another study found that while whey significantly decreases hunger and leads to reduced food intake, casein protein does not. When you are trying to gain muscle mass you have to eat a lot. Casein will help you get plenty of protein and calories without filling your stomach.


Red meat has taken a bad hit almost everywhere except in the bodybuilding community. The saturated fat and cholesterol in meat has been shown to increase testosterone levels, as well as strength and muscle mass. Beef also contains vitamin B12, creatine, iron, and zinc, among other nutrients, which promote muscle growth and support strength. You should eat at least one meal of beef every other day.


How to increase muscle mass also integrates omega-3 fatty acids are essential fatty acids found in salmon, they are known to stimulate muscle growth, decrease muscle breakdown, increase fat loss in the body, provide numerous benefits to health. Try to consume at least 2-3 salmon meals a week. Walnuts also provide a good amount of omega-3 fatty acids, as do flaxseeds, which are great if you sprinkle them on the cottage cheese or peanut butter.
This is how following these tips we answer the question of how to increase muscle mass?




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