Curtis Hennigar is a successful entrepreneur from Florida. He is the owner and the leader of several valet parking companies and has been in the business since the late 1970s. In his spare time, Curtis Hennigar pursues a range of hobbies, including golf.

Golf is the traditional sport of Scotland and is played using clubs. Below are the common types of clubs:

1. Wooden clubs are primarily used for long shots. They typically have a low loft or face angle. The driver has the lowest. This club is referred to as 1 wood. Wooden clubs with higher designations are also in prominent use, with 3 and 5 being most popular.

2. Wedge clubs are made of iron and have a high loft. Standard angles range from 48 to 64, with the standard increment being 4 degrees. Pitching, approach, sand, lob, and high-lob variants are the most popular.

3. Iron clubs are there for shots under 200 yards and their standard designations run from three to nine. The pitching wedge also belongs to this class. Golfers use the higher-designated iron club the closer they are to the hole.

4. Hybrids combine wooden heads and iron shafts and are a relative novelty. They are quickly gaining in popularity and some players use them to replace lower-designated iron clubs.

5. The putter is a special type of club. Golfers primarily use this for the finishing move, when the ball is close to the hole.
Types of Golf Clubs

Types of Golf Clubs

