Beyond the clouds there is a light, there are angels with familiar faces. As angels they cannot feel despair, after all its heaven, nothing bad happens there. I wonder if they are in greater despair, since I am down here and they are up there. Hopeless when I cry, because they had no choice but to fly. A choice of which was not there own but gods demand to come back home. What if what I have been taught was a lie. If they are truly the ones in despair because they are stuck up there and I down here. Forced to watch us grieve their flight. My personal fight until the end when I take my flight directed up past the clouds into the light.

They can only watch as we wither away through trials and tribulations until our dying day. As we make our way to the light beyond the clouds we are happy to be with the ones that flew before us. 
Beyond the Light

Beyond the Light

Grief. Wondering thoughts about life, death, God and Angels.



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