- Adobe Illustrator
- Adobe Photoshop
College Eats is a fun, non-sensical short magazine that portrays college students' weird eating habits. The content might or might not have been influenced by my personal anecdotes while in New York.

Using a vibrant color palette with texts and images that resemble paper cutouts, the magazine adopts the nostalgic DIY-bulletin-corkboard style that can often be seen in college residential buildings. This design style speaks to the experience of being college students and relates to their lifestyles. 
Magazine cover
Employing a sense of humor and sarcasm for the content writing, the magazine makes inner jokes about the unhealthy eating habits of college students who are on the cusp of adulting. As the same time, it also provides comparisons between dining-out and home-cooking, with simple recipes, that empower college students to make positive change in their diets.
College Eats

College Eats

A fun, non-sensical short magazine that portrays college students' weird eating habits.
