Alexander Khokhlovs profilVeronica Ershovas profil

Tape On Me

Kinesiology taping is a therapy method that was discovered in the 1970s in Japan. Applications of special stretching ribbons are popular in sports and help athletes with a lot of issues, such as: muscle facilitation, pain inhibition, enhanced healing, improvement of lymphatic drainage and blood flow. 

For this project I teamed up with a professional trainer and physio therapist, to show the aesthetic side of kinesiology taping. Here is everything that I love so much - color, graphics, minimalism and composition. In this project all these components gathered together in an interesting visual cocktail.

Alexander Khokhlov - photography
Veronica Ershova - style, retouching
Stanislav Swoboda - tape applications
Tape On Me

Tape On Me

A collection of images shows the aesthetic side of kinesiology taping method
