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The Freedom BLOC Branding

The Freedom BLOC

Raising of a banner and planting our flag. Power, NationHOOD, and Soul. 

The Black Led Organizing Collaborative (BLOC) was created as a vehicle for collective political expression through a process of educating the Black electorate and the broader Black community on issues impacting their lives and mobilizing them to turnout to vote on issues and candidates.

The thinking 

The mark itself merges waving flag imagery with the initials F & B standing for Freedom Bloc. The fist at the top of the pole is a nod to black power.  This is seamlessly integrated to form a strong logomark that is recognizable both with the accompanying text and on its own.
Movement. As BLOC grows in movement so does it’s brand. The font size variation in the logo is representative of movement. The font was designed to be flexible enough and large enough to use in almost any environment imaginable. The use of different weight sizes in the logo compliments the wave of the flag. It is modern and distinctive. 
The Freedom BLOC Branding

Project Made For

The Freedom BLOC Branding

The Freedom BLOC stands for Black Led Organizing Collaborative. We designed a logo and brand identity system for this startup non-profit.
