Bolo Yeung , whose real name is Sze Yang, was born in Canton, China, in 1938. From a very young age he would learn Kung fu and would develop his taste for martial arts three day full body workout, training with various teachers. Unlike most, he is interested in developing physical strength at the same time that martial arts and at the age of 16 would start in the bodybuilding world, becoming China's weightlifting champion at the age of 20. In spite of everything, Bolo is not satisfied with his lifestyle nor with the way of making communist China and decides to escape to English Hong Kong, which he would swim from Canton in 1960.

In the colony, many doors are opened to him, becoming Bodybuilding coach in various gyms and learning new styles of traditional Kung fu such as Taichi or Hung Gar Kuen. He would even go on to become Mister Hong Kong in 1970.

His discovery for the cinema would come from the producer Run Run Shaw, who noticed him when he visited one of the gyms where several Shaw stars trained. His corpulence, his characteristic appearance and his evident martial skills opened him to a secondary role in the film " The Heroic Ones " (Chang Cheh, 1970), playing the robust and brutal general Meng Chieh Hui. During the following years he would make several films for the production company, several of them with Chang Cheh as " Deadly Duo " (1971) or " Angry Guest " (1972), and he would rub elbows with the great stars of the Shaw. Remarkable is also his role as a street fighter in the tape " King Boxer " (1972).

During this time he would continue with his weight training and star in some television commercials. We will highlight one of the Winston brand since he would share the limelight with Bruce Lee and they would meet on that shoot. Lee would be impressed by his physical appearance and martial skills, and they would meet from time to time to discuss the adequacy of martial training. Later I would recommend him for a role in " Enter The Dragon " and Bolo would pass the casting just by taking off his shirt and putting on various bodybuilding poses. Unfortunately, his character would once again be relegated to the violent henchman without much brain (he does not utter a single sentence in the entire film), but his enigmatic bearing gives a certain value to his participation.

Due to the fame generated by everything related to Bruce Lee after his death, Bolo has his opportunity to star in the movie " Chinese Hercules " (1973), a mediocre story of revenge that would go relatively unnoticed, and Bolo would return to his roles of secondary villain in films such as " Thunder Kick " (1974), " Super Kung Fu Kid " (1974), " Hong Kong Superman " (1975), " All Men Are Brothers " (1975) and many others, since Bolo would participate in the 70s and 80s in more than 70 movies.

After the death of Bruce Lee, the phenomenon of Bruceplotiation arises, which exploits in a crude and shameless way those known as Clones of Bruce Lee (Bruce Le, Bruce Li, Bruce Leung, Dragon Lee and many others). Bolo Yeung has the dubious honor of having participated in many of them, as evil alter-ego of the clone heroes. Thus would participate in films such as " Enter The Game Of Death " (1978), " Bruce Lee In New Guinea " (1978), " Bruce the Super Hero " (1979), " The Dragon, The Hero " (1979) or " Treasure Of Bruce Lee ”(1980). Bolo would also be signed for the tape " The Tattoo Connection"(1978), starring Jim Kelly, who also starred in" Enter The Dragon. " As we see the fame of Bruce Lee would perhaps splash too much the cinema of the 70s.

Bolo would test the world of directing twice. His first film would be titled “ Bolo ” (1977) and with this name it cannot be anything other than a personal showcasing film with himself as the protagonist. His second film is " Writing Kung Fu " (1979), an interesting classic Kung fu film with a good cast of young stars of the time like Candice Yu or John Cheung.

During the 80s Bolo made a name for himself in action films and urban fights, and in 1987 he met a young Jean Claude Van Damme during a casting. They soon become friends and the producer chooses him for the role of the villain Chong Li in " Bloodsport " (1988), which for many is more interesting for Bolo than for Jean Claude himself. This role, and his subsequent collaboration in " Double Impact " (1991), would give him some international recognition and open the doors to the leading roles in tapes of clandestine fights that give him freedom of action to play tough fighters and show himself in everything. its splendor. In this line he would star in films such as " Shootfighter: Fight to the Death " (1992), " Ironheart”(1992) or“ Shootfighter 2: Kill or be Killed ”(1995).

Bolo is currently retired from acting and is engaged in martial training and bodybuilding. Bolo Yeung's career , The Beast from the East, is closely linked to villain characters whose intelligence is far from brilliant, however the actor has managed to create charismatic roles during his career, interesting the public and fans of martial training.





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