Design The Sport Complex


Being involved in sports activities benefits a person in many ways. Not only it provides physical strength but also it increases mental power as well.
The decline of physical activity plays an important role in the deterioration of health predictors, such as obesity, and the associated increase of cardiovascular and all-cause mortality. In my personal life, sport plays a critical role. Swimming always helps me to think more clearly and become more creative, and so, I designed this sports complex to create a comfortable place for everybody to enjoy the surrounding green landscape while doing different sports. The plants and their refreshing color would have a positive influence on the visitors to feel relieved, reject negative vibes and have a more efficient work-out. 
Besides, the sitting area and the large balcony in the middle of the building is aimed to re-create the sense being in nature. Visitors could enjoy drinking coffee and recovering themselves after work-outs.
The Final Render:
First Sketches:

In this building, I’ve tried to have a sustainable design which uses natural sources like solar energy, to provide it, was as we see in the Figure, the Solar cell has been located in the balcony where its exposure to sunlight.
The great portion of the area in this design complex is considered for rock climbing. 
Architectural plans and sections.
The design's replica.
The final Design in the GIS map.
Design the Sport Complex
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Design the Sport Complex

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