Throughout his studies, a student repeatedly has to write research papers - from small essays to a voluminous graduation project. Grades for their preparation affect the student's performance, but despite this, many students are not serious about writing a research paper and make several mistakes, which makes them unreasonable. Let's consider what should be taken into account when writing interesting and relevant research.

Formulate a research topic. You should not choose an extensive topic since you do not consider it in detail: an attempt to describe “everything and everything” will turn out to be a failure. If you are interested in any scientific field, clearly state the question you are interested in from it and describe it in detail in your work. If you cannot choose a topic, contact your supervisor or classmates: they will share ideas for research.

Select a list of references. Previous studies on your topic, as well as interesting articles, books, dissertations online and other materials, will be suitable. When choosing sources, pay attention to the year of publication, as well as to the author’s fame and reputation. Also, use academic search engines. 

Prepare an introduction and conclusions after writing the work. To start a project by writing an introduction is a bad idea: if a student has not even begun to understand the chosen topic, can the introduction and conclusion be informative? Leave these two parts of the work for later: prepare a project, and you will more confidently tell you in the introduction what to expect from research, and in the conclusion, answer the question “why did you write this work?”

Express your ideas and thoughts, but be sure to back them up with facts and justify: in another case, when defending a work, you will be asked what information you have concluded from. Make your case convincing and you can claim a high mark.

Define the goal, as well as tasks and relevance. The topic has been selected, the time for preparation has been allotted, but the matter is not moving from a dead center? Take time to develop work goals, make a plan, understand the relevance of the project. Achieving all the tasks is much easier if they are formulated.

How to conduct a study?
If the theoretical part of the work is easy to find simply by studying the literature, then the practical part is difficult even for students in recent years. How to research the selected topic?
select at least 5-7 sources both online and in libraries;
use scientific databases;
use different search queries, configure search parameters 
describing the topic, follow the logic of its presentation.

What to do if you do not have time to put the R&D on time?
Even though it takes several months or even an entire academic year to prepare a research paper, not every student has the time and opportunity to prepare a project on time. Caught in this situation? 

The first sentence of the paragraph is the essence of the whole paragraph, everything else is support for this idea and analysis. The reader should sail with us in our text. You should always think about the reader of our work, even if it will be only our teacher. The logic of the academic text can be represented schematically in the following diagram.
Research paper

Research paper


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