Perfil de Bhagvanji Sonagra

Walk Through Mass Disinfector for People

Protect Our Front Line Workers From Corona
During this Corona outbreak, we've seen the whole country come together for a single cause to fight this battle and help the needy. There are thousands of people trying to make sure that everyone has something to eat by providing food packets, ration kits and all. We are trying to fight this battle from another angle.

Walk Through Mass Disinfector for People To Battle COVID-19

The main goal behind the mass Walk-through Disinfector is to protect our frontline workers, Police, Healthcare workers, and all the people working in offices of essential services. It's equally important that they stay strong and healthy. A disinfector at the entrance of a hospital means that any healthcare person entering/ exiting the hospital gets sanitized and reduces the risk of getting infected or transmitting infection that he/ she might have caught.

Do your bit by contributing to our fundraiser so that we can install more and more disinfectors at the places that need them the most. They are working relentlessly for us, it's time that we do something for them.

In this pandemic time, we have decided to fight against COVID-19 by design. I, Bhagvanji Sonagra and my partner Bhavin Dabhi have designed and developed India's first "Corona Killer" - a Walk-Through Mass disinfector. We have designed, developed, manufactured, tested, validated and installed this machine in just 10 days. This disinfector can be installed outside any building. The person passing through it is completely sanitized from head to toe within minutes. This unit ensures that one does not carry the infection/ virus to new places. 

Do your bit by contributing to our fundraiser so that we can install more and more disinfectors at the places that need them the most. They are working relentlessly for us, it's time that we do something for them.

Walk Through Mass Disinfector for People
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Walk Through Mass Disinfector for People

Walk Through Mass Disinfector for People To Battle COVID-19

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