Michael Rochford 的個人檔案

SarStock Toronto Rocks 2003

SarStock   "Toronto Rocks"
or How to build a small City in 33 days

Downsview Air Force Base, Toronto, Ontario
July 2003

In late June of 2003, I received a curious call from a long time Friendand College asking if I'd be up for a "Hair brained scheme"….
and without so much as a pause I said Yes! 
You see I kind of had a feeling that something Spectacular was about tounfold….
33 Days later, History was made as some 490,000 concert goers descended uponthe Downsview Air Base for the Concert of their Lives….
All in all, just another day at the office….
the Blank Slate
the Road Closures
490,0000 fit here
were all the "Cool" people hung out
Best Day EVER....
SarStock Toronto Rocks 2003

SarStock Toronto Rocks 2003

a few drawings I did in preparation for SarStock "Toronto Rocks" in July of 2003

