ness .​​​​​​​
-   identity   -   webdesign   -   illustrations   -​​​​​​​

Ness is a company that specializes in organizational consulting and change management, 
with a holistic vision. They believe that a crafted strategy, double-checked figures and budget planning are key to the success of a company. They also believe that happy, empowered, thriving humans are the foundation and heart of a successful business. They at Ness offer a practical yet humanist form of management consulting, one that does not stop hard figures, fuss-ball games, 
Excel charts, free coffee and brightly coloured cubicles. One that does not simply treat the acute symptoms, but goes in-depth and all the way to help complex organizations to heal from their chronic pains, repair the unique complex tissues of their corporate culture and bring the whole organization back to a viable, joyful and autonomous life.

vidéo © Jan van IJken
website - underconstruction
basic identity
with starling flight concept
thematic illustrations
Fixing a blame culture - Breaking up a toxic culture - Fostering collaboration in bureaucracies - Leading change with finance 
Fixing a blame culture
Breaking up a toxic culture
Fostering collaboration in bureaucracies
Leading change with finance 

Thank you Family !
ness .


ness .
