Branched Chain Amino Acids in Sports Nutrition

We'll start with an introduction to different types of amino acids to focus on the impact of branched-chain amino acids on nutrition and sports performance.
The amino acids are the essential component of proteins.
The branched chain amino acids refer to their molecular structure.
Proteins are made up of 20 amino acids, 10 of them essential amino acids and 10 non-essential amino acids , the latter we produce naturally.

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Essential amino acids must come from food, the body is unable to synthesize them.
NON-ESSENTIAL AMINO ACIDS : Alanine, tyrosine, aspartate, cysteine, glutamate, glutamine, glycine, proline, serine and asparagine.
ESSENTIAL AMINO ACIDS : Isoleucine, Leucine, Lysine, Methionine, Phenylalanine, Threonine, Tryptophan, Valine, Histidine and Arginine.
We can find all the essential amino acids in some foods such as : eggs, meat, spelled, soy or quinoa. Although the beauty of nutrition is how the combination of various foods also provide us all: couscous and chickpeas, lentils and rice, rice and nuts ... (our grandparents already knew this).

The correct supply of essential amino acids contributes to the proper functioning of the central nervous system and the locomotor system, preventing injuries , facilitating muscle recovery and wound healing.
A contribution of about 20-150mg / Kg / day of each amino acid is recommended, easily achievable amounts with a varied and balanced diet.
If we follow a vegan diet , the recommendation is a stricter control of the food we eat so that there are no deficiencies.

The branched amino acids or BCAAs ( Branched Chain Aminoacids ) are essential amino acids obtained from the diet which constitute 35-40% of body protein and 15% of the amino acids of skeletal muscle.

Branched Amino Acid Formulas

The branched chain amino acids are: VALINE; LEUCINA and ISOLEUCINA . Leucine being the most related to protein synthesis and muscle growth .
The benefits of branched chain amino acids are mainly three:
●    Promote protein synthesis
●    Stop the catabolic effect
●    Provide energy to the muscle (theoretical)
It is assumed that in intense and prolonged exercise , after the exhaustion of muscle glycogen, an enzyme is activated that initiates the oxidation of branched-chain amino acids for energy.
However, studies focused on the demonstration of this process have not been conclusive , and it cannot be demonstrated that supplementation with branched chain amino acids can improve sports performance thanks to the increase in energy supply.

Currently, studies focus on the benefit of consuming branched-chain amino acids or BCAAs to improve muscle protein synthesis and immunity .
High-intensity workouts like Crossfit , strength training like bodybuilding and weightlifting "damage" our muscles. This stimulus activates the adaptation system that makes us gain strength, power and hypertrophy.

It is in these aspects that the branched chain amino acids can intervene, improving recovery, reducing late-onset muscle pain (DOMS) and minimizing muscle breakdown.
We might think that if there are so many benefits of branched chain amino acids for that we are going to have a protein shake … however, isolated amino acids have their cons.
This is due to the fact that amino acid supplements quickly reach the blood due to their easy digestion, being able to reach muscle receptors in high concentrations, saturating them.

In the market we find BCAAs in 250-500mg capsules or as part of protein shakes . The ratio is usually 2: 1: 1 or 3: 1: 1 (leucine, isoleucine, and valine).
They are also on gels , recommending supplementing intense exercise lasting more than 2-3 hours.
There are quite a few discrepancies in determining the ideal dosage.
Never exceed a contribution of more than 12 grams a day.

In the case of a vegetarian diet, supplementation with lysine or leucine may be interesting, since our diet may be lacking in them.
Check out a vegetarian diet and sports nutrition .
The citrulline is an intermediate in the synthesis of arginine .

We can find it in watermelon (fruit that contains it in large quantities) or in onions, garlic, fish, legumes and milk.
Its form of commercialization is citrulline malate , which seems to have an ergogenic effect in resistance tests (5).
It could be useful in vegetarians with high performance training disciplines, as these circumstances may be lacking with diet.
In strength sports like Crossfit or weightlifting, there are no studies showing improvements in performance.

A more or less proven benefit is the improvement of recovery after intense exercise .
It is one of the most famous fat burners, it is assumed that in the context of exercise it mobilizes fats to the cellular mitochondria, that is, it helps to burn fat with the same exercise as without being supplemented.
The reality is that studies do not show that more fat is burned supplementing us than with L-carnitine obtained from a good diet.

A priori branched chain amino acids do not have as many beneficial effects on sports performance as expected.
Among the BCAAs the most interesting is leucine:
●    It has an effect on muscle mass and its function in the elderly population with sarcopenia.
●    Attenuates central fatigue
●    The combination of low doses of protein with 5 grams of leucine immediately after training could be just as effective as high doses of protein, in relation to muscle anabolism targets.
So focus on eating a varied , balanced diet and well-planned training . You will get greater results than with any supplement you can buy in the market.



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