Geek A Week
52 Weeks. 52 Geeks. One Challenge.
In March 2010, I created Geek  A Week as a year-long art project to attempt to connect with 52 influential geeks in 52 weeks. At the end of  February 2011, I completed the project.  (As of this writing, there are still four weeks left in the project.)  In addition to the artwork, I recorded a majority of the interviews I did with each geek and turned them into podcasts. The project was covered by CNN, Yahoo News, The Onion A.V. Club and other media outlets.  It was an amazing process and certainly a great opportunity to connect with many of my geek heroes including parody songster "Weird Al" Yankovic, Adam Savage, Grant Imahara and Kari Byron of Mythbusters, co-founder of Apple Computer, Steve Wozniak and author Neil Gaiman.  All in all, it's a great cross-section of geek culture in 2010.

You can see more of the project here:
Geek A Week


Geek A Week

In March of 2010, I created Geek A Week in order to try and connect with 52 geeks in 52 weeks and draw them as trading cards. In Feb 2011, I comp Mehr anzeigen
