Orange Fighting @ La Maestranza
This artwork is part of a series of 12 canvas where I used old lithographs of Seville, meticulously picked on at the gipsy market of the city on thursdays. 
This project redraw an awkward storytelling, playing around beliefs and cultural icons to highlight and mark a new hope,  and simple as it is, the world become brighter if we had an Orange instead of Bull.
ORIGINAL ARTWORK : David Roberts from Picturesque sketches in Spain, 1832 & 1833 

La tauromaquia de la O'
Now you saw it, we should talk about this "ancient tradition", a game of patience and endurance...precision and timing. I just can wonder how hard can it be to wait and nail that right moment before it touches the ground..

I can't say how it happen or if it was only a dream, but one day, when the arena was left closed for days, humans sheltered in their homes and bulls left in their green fields, nature made her own miracle. 

Where blood was spilt now we could find trees; leafs and roots. Trees took over the Arena like  tumbleweed in a forgotten garden. Didn't took long for humans after their long lockdown to find their own funny ways of spending their time. 
La Maestranza


La Maestranza
