The final design and version of Pendant X. During our first presentation, our classmates wanted more than one design. Hopefully this becomes true at some point!
My group and I were trying to discover a way to protect and prevent vulnerability groups from harm and give them accessibility. Through our final decisions at the beginning of the term, we decided to design a product that would become Pendant X. 
We designed a necklace with a hidden sensor to create a “vibrating key”.  This design was created to allow those with physical disabilities, low motor function or old age to be able to access their homes, cars, mailboxes without over-exerting themselves.
A chart to show the flow/ process of how the necklace would work. 

Most devices or inventions that do this are very noisy with their need for attention. The necklace is meant to act as similar to this, but with a more tender and quiet need for attention. It would only be activated or “making noise” when it is used, otherwise, it is just a nice piece of jewelry.  The make a summation of our necklace, “What if the user experience was the main design challenge, with usability and efficiency in use as secondary, supportive endeavours.”(Hook) Many safety precautions are built for vulnerability groups such as women, young children and the elderly. However, seldom designs benefit those who may be in created to help people who are experiencing health-related vulnerabilities.
 Another problem was coming up with a design that could be both practical and aesthetically pleasing. As said by Friedrich Schiller, “Aesthetic matters are fundamental for the harmonious development of both society and the individual”.  The design is accessible, adaptable and aesthetically pleasing since it has a minimalist colour scheme and sizing. It’s easy for the user to wear without it being heavy. To create a full picture, the design should look modern on one user, but vintage on another. This way the timeless design can be celebrated, used and worn by all users.
I believe the design of our product is quite good. Pendant X is an unassuming, sleek and timeless design that fulfills its purpose. The triangular shape can be found in modern and ancient designs of jewelry symbolizing its purpose will always be needed.  My group and I worked extremely hard to create a design and project that would not only meet the criteria of the assignment but actually have a difference in the lives of Canadian citizens. 



Creative Fields