Profiel van Daniel Castrillon

36 Days of Type 7th Edition

36 Days of Type es un proyecto que invita a diseñadores, ilustradores y artistas gráficos a exponer su visión particular sobre los signos que forman nuestro alfabeto. Esta serie es una exploración de la plasticidad de los trazos y volúmenes que componen cada caracter, con gestos fluidos propios de la caligrafía y contrastes exagerados.

_ 36 Days of Type is a project that invites designers, illustrators and graphic artists to expose their particular vision of the signs that make up our alphabet. This series is an exploration of the plasticity of the strokes and volumes that make up each character, with fluid gestures typical of calligraphy and exaggerated contrasts.
36 Days of Type 7th Edition

36 Days of Type 7th Edition

36 Days of Type is a project that invites designers, illustrators and graphic artists to expose their particular vision of the signs that make up Meer lezen
