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2020 Prague Metro and Tram Map

2020 Prague Metro and Tram Map
Grid of Daily Routes: metro and tram

Prague got its first horse drawn tram in 1875, and the first electric line in 1891. Metro began its operation only in 1974, however, the grid expanded into 3 lines, covering a good portion of the urban area from all directions. Tram still remains the main type of transportation above ground, and thus, in order to fully understand the function of public transport and make it more accessible, it is necessary to incorporate both into the network. 

Prague's transport infrastructure grid is dictated by demanding hilly terrain and historic urban zones, which can be challenging while working on a factually accurate and, at the same time, visually attractive design. The grid is drawn in such a way to stay precise in regard to actual geography as much as possible, while keeping the graphic style of a modern map. This refers both to geographical positioning as well as proportions.​​​​​​​ One more Prague metro network project I made, is more focused on a visual aspect.

High res. map available here
 Map features: 
Metro stops (with trip duration), tram stops and transfer stations between lines

 It also includes: 
Railway stations, inter-city bus stations and shuttle bus stops to the airport

 In order to clearly mark the transfer stations, icons are placed next to the names of each stop/station type (e.g. Nádraží Veleslavín, where both metro and tram connect to the suburban railway and the airport shuttle)

 Instead of using the standard one-line-one-stripe system for depicting tram routes, the line numbers are positioned onto a single tram grid for each track segment, and thus can be traced easily from stop to stop and from junction to junction. As a result, preserved space can be used to show other details​​​​​​​ and keep the map less constricted
 A list of famous sights, landmarks and monuments is also included in the map, with the approximate walking distances within the area of Prague's historic city center
2020 Prague Metro and Tram Map

2020 Prague Metro and Tram Map

New Design of the Prague Metro and Tram network Map
