The Brief:
Develop a campaign that will educate the public on the importance of using registered treatment facilities in the Western Cape and how individuals affected by substance abuse can get the right kind of help.

Target market:
We’re targeting loved ones. The parents, caregivers and friends of individuals who struggle with substance abuse

The Challenge:
Encourage the public to make use of the Department of Social Development’s channels and services (toll free 0800 number & website) when seeking help for substance abuse and educate the public on the right kind of help.

Substance abuse is an all-consuming illness. Beyond the addict the entire household struggles with the effects of addiction.

We’ll showcase the direct impact of substance abuse by focussing on the destructive nature it has on those closest to the addicts. They are also its victims, they're also suffering and if they intervene, they’re not only helping a loved one, but themselves as well.

When you help the addict, you help yourself. 

“The mentality and behaviour of drug addicts and alcoholics is wholly irrational until you understand that they are completely powerless over their addiction and unless they have structured help they have no hope.”
– Russel Brand. Drug Addict.

Radio ads translations: English

Radio ads translations: Xhosa

Radio ads translations: Afrikaans

GDN Banners

WCG Site: Addiction affects more than just the addict. Getting the right help at a registered facility means help is at hand for yourself and family members battling with addiction. Visit:

Client: Western Cape Government 
Agency: HelloFCB+
Creative Director: Dylan Davies
Idea & Concept: Akona Golimpi & Chane Kayser
Art Direction, Look and Feel & Layout Design :  Akona Golimpi
Art Direction Rollout: Reuben Abrahams 
Copywriter: Chane Keyser​​​​​​​
Audio Editing: We Love Jam

Substance Abuse


Substance Abuse
