Stay Home
Eggshells protect the yolk from external bacterial and fungal infections, ensuring that the yellow yolk remains safe. In an experiment using pigments, it was observed that as soon as the eggshell breaks down, the yolk will run out of the shell touching the pigments and gradually takes on the same color. 

This experiment can be seen as a metaphor for the "Shelter in Place" mandate that the Bay Area has put into effect—as the paint (similar to humans) are more susceptible to the coronavirus when they leave their homes. Therefore, this poster creates a character out of the yolk and a home out of eggshell is in a cartoon style to express how the yolk on staying home prevents the coronavirus. The purpose is for people to pay more attention to the severity of the coronavirus and understand that staying home is the best way to protect friends, family, country and the whole world.
Group Ideation 
Let's talk about what the egg looks like? Something interesting you know about the egg?
Personal Experiment 
Let's dress up the egg, which color you would like to see? Try to color it and see how is going on.
Eggs Gallery
Let's make a good gallery of the egg, and start to observe of the egg and eggshell
Process of Sketch 
Let's draw something interesting come from the egg and coronavirus, such as brainstorms, template of poster, and iteration sketch of poster
Poster Design 
Let's see the yolks know the important of stay in home, how about you? 
I know that everyone probably pretty hard in their life however we need to unite together and live better. And I believe we will defeat this battle and return to the lives. I also hope that this poster will give you some encouragement and never give up. 
Thank you for visiting 
Stay Home


Stay Home

Stay Home Poster


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