Nebojsa (Bane) Gelevski's profile

The Man in Yellow Hazmat Suit

Art(I)solation during COVID-19 pandemic  

The virus is omnipresent. Everyday interaction with people, objects and nature illustrates the deepest impact of the pandemic to our societies. The closure in our homes, actually became an opportunity and opening of new perspectives, thinking or rethinking of our priorities, fears, our interaction with nature, family, friends, value of freedom, influence of politics, care for the mental health, and introspection of our behavior.

The art installations
The main character is a ‘scientist’ in protective clothing, who is a personification of ordinary person’s efforts to cope with the challenges, to understand and adapt to the coronavirus time. Loneliness, speechless communication, sometimes dark atmosphere are contrasted with photos expressing simple happiness being in touch with the nature or with a friend, but without usual human touch. Hiding from the virus, in continuous changes of moods, fears and hopes, sudden discovery of micro cosmoses that we usually neglect become obvious.
Seeing us as object, our reactions and relations, offers safe distance to think how we will change? Are we going to become wiser after the corona-isolation?
All installations and photos are made at home during the curfew. (10-12 April, 61 hours curfew, Skopje, Macedonia)
I hope you will enjoy the art project! Act responsibly, stay home, and respect the recommendation from medical staff, scientists and authorities. Stay safe!

All photos are free to be reused under Attribution CC BY Attribution CC BY license with obligatory attribution and credits.
The Man in Yellow Hazmat Suit

The Man in Yellow Hazmat Suit
