Mihnea Simirass profil

Office building Bucharest

OFFICE Building in Bucharest
D.A.Agency for Design and Architecture:
Arch. Romeo Simiras
Arch. Ana Simiras
Arch. Mihnea Simiras
The client had a narrow lot near the central area of Bucharest with some difficile conditions, as it had to be built (due to urban regulatios) using all the three sides and without the possibility to have windows there. Despite that, he wanted to errect an office building that had to fulfill all these restrictions and at the same time offer the neccesary amount of light for the interior spaces. On top of that, the orientation of the lot was towards the south, which posed additional problems due to intense lighting in front and horizontal lighting on the sides.
We took these problems as an opportunity to think outside the box and offered a solution which, although narrow, can satisfy all the needs specific to this type of program and more, we managed to offer him additional space in the underground, illuminated through the lower courtyard. The solution we found for the sun protection was a mesh that could sufficiently block the direct sunlight yet was transparent enough to permit optimum light in the interior space. In the ground floor we offered a space for commercial use in order to stimulate the small public space in front of the building as a rest stop along the busy street.
Office building Bucharest

Office building Bucharest

Office building in Bucharest on a narrow plot near the center, designed by D.A.Agency for Design and Architecture.


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