Henkilön Magdalene Wong profiiliHenkilön Tsu Wong profiili

Demi Lune

Demi Lune

Feet on the Ground, Head in the Sky – Demi Lune is a garment store for the modern and intelligent woman. We were asked to develop a brand identity for their online store.

The story revolves around Luna, a grounded yet ambitious woman. She is sensible and humble, but her heart lives in astronomy. She loves the moon especially for its ethereal yet raw qualities. Inspired by natural texture and patterns, she shares her vision through detailed photographic images of cracked graphite stone, marbled reflections in the sea and peeling tree barks.

Reflective of both founders, it is about striking a balance between two halves. These elements are then applied across brand and sales collaterals as well as their web store.

Creative & Art Direction by Magdalene Wong
Design by Tsu Wong, Magdalene Wong
Campaign Photography by Shauna Voon
Web Development by 8finite

Demi Lune

Projektin tilaaja

Demi Lune
