Haley Wood profili

Judge A Book By Its Cover– Haley Wood

case study
A question that I love to ask people is: what’s your favorite book? Whether an avid reader or not, everybody has at least one book that sticks with them. Maybe it was required reading in high school, or a graphic novel they loved when they were a kid. No matter what, those books don’t just tell one story, they tell the story of every person who has fallen in love with it. I believe in the power of literature, but as a graphic designer, I know even the greatest stories could use a nudge in the right direction. And so, as I have challenged myself, I will challenge you to do the one thing we were always told not to do: judge a book by its cover.
cover designs
The following covers each seek to solve the specific design challenges presented by the stories told on the inside. Color, imagery, tone and typefaces were chosen to best display to the viewer the feeling of what’s inside– not just displaying what actually happens.
1776 by David McCullough
A Parting Gift by Ben Erickson
Giovanni's Room by James Baldwin
Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn
The Opposite of Loneliness by Marina Keegan– my all time favorite book.
“imprint” book exchange
As a means of sharing these stories that have such an impact on us, I developed an online book exchange website, called "imprint", where readers and storytellers alike can pitch the reasons why they loved the book they just read to other readers. The goal of this website is to allow readers to share their experiences with other readers and to reflect on the positivity of how a great story can make us all better, more self-actualized, people.
thank you!
A huge thank you goes out to the AIGA Orlando Board and my mentor, Josh, for all the time they spend bettering our design community and for teaching me a valuable lesson in learning how to pivot when things go awry. I am truly so grateful for this opportunity.

You can visit my website at haleywood.co to see some more of my work!

Photo Credits:
Judge A Book By Its Cover– Haley Wood
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Judge A Book By Its Cover– Haley Wood

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