Laura Meseguer sin profilLaszlito Kovacs sin profil

BEAUTY. A poster done with Laszlito Kovacs

The 'Beauty poster' was created as a collaborative project with the talented designer and illustrator Laszlito Kovacs
The process
The drawing of the word comes from the selfproject of creating a typeface from Peralta logo. For achieving this, I followed the same process as in Peralta, consisting of writing a word –that could result attractive, as it is ‘Beauty’ – with a medium thick marker pen, so you can get some contrast to keep some energy and spontaneity, but not strictly calligraphic. 
Rough digitization matching both handwriting sketches
Drawing Process
Definitive lettering
Different studies of shadows done by Laszlito Kovacs
Definitive proposal by Laszlito Kovacs
This poster only exists as a digital work, if you are interested in purchasing this poster as a A2 print, please send me a message to my email
BEAUTY. A poster done with Laszlito Kovacs

BEAUTY. A poster done with Laszlito Kovacs

A collaborative project done with Laszlito Kovacs, combining lettering and illustration
