Gabriel Sans
by Fontfabric Type Foundry
Gabriel Sans is a font family inspired by the original Sans Serif fonts of the Transitional age like Futura or Grotesk, but with a modern twist. It is clean, elegant and straight-to-the-point. It has features similar to the font classic Helvetica – like the endings of the capital C – but goes one step ahead. It also has a quadratic looks, which makes it easily distinguishable and easy to use – the height is nearly as long as the width. It is professional and equally adapted for you business or for your personal lifestyle, it can be used in logotypes as well as in typesetted text.
It’s an all-purpose font with the best of both worlds !
Gabriel Sans comes in six weights, italic and normal.

 Opentype (.otf)
Styles: 6 Weights + 6 Italics
Compatible: PC & Mac 
 372 Character Set, Ma
nual Kerning, Tracking / Pairs

Gabriel Sans