Blok EIGHTTONN Magazine

Blok is a property development company based in Cape Town. Every development is named after its address. EIGHTONN, is, therefore, building number eight on Norfolk Road. However, EIGHTONN is the first time North VCA was ever given an option of names, given the development inhabits the space between Norfolk and Wisbeach Road. 

This led us to examine the dichotomy this development immediately presented and the beautiful tension between two opposites that it stirred up.

The resultant EIGHTONN perfectly embodies the Blok ethos of examining the world both the from the inside and outside. It represents exploring the duality that resides in every person as seen through the eyes of the residents of the building and the neighbourhood. It is a story graphically told from two sides of the Blok experience.

I worked on this project during my internship at North VCA alongside Creative Director, Mike Bond.

Tools and Skills:

- Adobe InDesign
- Adobe Illustrator
- Editorial Design
- Proofreading
- Illustration

