HGH India is India’s most popular annual trade show for home textiles, home décor, houseware and gifts. Designed exclusively to connect its exhibitors with their high potential business partners in the Indian market, HGH India has firmly established itself as a world-class, must-attend, professional, trend setting result-oriented event and the most awaited annual meeting point for Indian and International Brands.

At Brownbook Studios we got an opportunity to design the theme for HGH India 2020. Keeping in mind the trend setting exhibit they have every year, we thought of coming up with a new theme 'Assemblage'. Every year they have been experimenting with either images or just illustrations, so for 2020 theme we thought of combining both! Taking inspiration from their main pillars, home textiles, home décor, houseware and gifts, we have used the elements for what the HGH India exhibition is famous for. 
To make the theme more captivating we used graphics, icons and patterns with the image assemblage. Creating visual harmony amongst the elements, making the composition more playful, eclectic and super unique! The color pallet we used included Mustard, Black and White. As Mustard resembles energy, warmth and positivity. End Results: turned out to be a very effective way of not only grabbing attention but also charming people to stay and explore what the business has to offer.

The HGH India 2020 year theme was released during the ongoing exhibit of 2019 (Photos as below). Because of the current pandemic, the event has been reschedule and is going to be merged with HGH India 2021.

Project done at Brownbook Studios.
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