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Second Calvert resident has been confirmed to have Coro

Prince Frederick, MD — March 22, 2020 — A second Calvert resident has been confirmed to have coronavirus infection. This person did not have any travel outside of the Southern Maryland region over the past month, reinforcing the potential that anyone can become infected through routine contact within our state.
This person has had no contact with vulnerable populations such as those in nursing facilities or daycares. Within 1 hour of being notified of the diagnosis, the Calvert Health Department staff was able to reach each individual who could have been potentially exposed to coronavirus by this individual. Everyone who may be at risk of infection as a result of this exposure is under isolation for a full 14 days.
It is acknowledged that due to the nationwide shortage of test kits, most people who have been infected with coronavirus have gone undiagnosed. Some of these people have no symptoms but can still transmit the infection to others. As Dr. Antony Fauci of the White House Coronavirus Task Force announced yesterday, there is a major national effort to ramp up production of testing material. Once that is accomplished, plans are in place statewide for drive-through testing centers. We will keep you informed as more information becomes available.
Current test sites in Maryland have had very limited capacity to perform tests and have had to frequently shut down operations due to lack of supplies. Dr. Fauci emphasized that until more test kits are being produced, only those with significant illness should be tested.
We urge residents of Calvert to stay at home as much as possible. As this most recent case illustrates, you can become infected through routine contact in Southern Maryland. When you do go out for groceries or medication, wash your hands before leaving the house, use a sanitizing wipe on your shopping cart, and wash your hands again as soon as you return home. If possible, use a credit or debit card to avoid exchanging items with the cashier and please stand 6 feet away from the cashier. It’s important to help protect grocery store and pharmacy employees. They are providing critical services for our community.
Second Calvert resident has been confirmed to have Coro

Second Calvert resident has been confirmed to have Coro
