Profiel van Marcus Williamson

University of Tennessee: Year Four

Year 4 has been weird as many of you already know. I'm going to post things I've recently done so far. In this time, I know design is far from your mind but if this is a little bit helpful in inspiring you for future projects I'll be glad for that. 

Hope you enjoy.

Health and Wellness End of the Year Campaign

Worked on these for our end of the year campaign. We learned a lot from this campaign and I got to check work on a new style I've been wanting to try for a while.  
Smokey Snout Mask

This was a project that I wanted to design for a while and I was fortunate to be able to design one for our Vol Shop here on campus. This is the snout of our beloved mascot Smokey. It was so much much to create.

You can buy them here: 
Big Orange Welcome

Created this graphic for to welcome students back to campus for the new year. 
Transformer Wrap

Our facilities team wanted us to design some wraps near Hodges Library so I cooked this up for them. There is always something new to design here. 
University Suite at Neyland Stadium

Created the logo for the Chancellor's Suite here at UT. It was a fun experience. You can view the full of it here:   
Home Sweet Home CommuniCon 2020 Shirt

Collaborated with a coworker on this shirt for our Communications Conference we put on virtually this year. 
Accolades Spring 2020

We were able to get this out before everything with COVID happened. I was pretty pumped to knock this project out. For the cover, Steven Bridges, our photographer, and I were able to cook up something truly impactful. He was actually able to win the University Photographer of the Year with this as one of his photos. It was a fun shoot that he was able to explain. It was fun being an art director and designer for this magazine. 

A Force For Good In The World

I was able to design this for our Torchbearer magazine this year. I was asked to do me basically and that's what I did. It was a ton of run. You can read the whole article this design was tagged onto here:
Package Lockers

I worked closely with another designer on our team to create some graphics for our new package locker system. We wanted to create something that was dynamic but also something that would allow for our install team to not have to install a ton of vinyl on lockers. So the below is what we created. 
ORNL and UT Partnership Graphics

We recently worked on some graphics for our continuing partnership with ORNL. These can be found here:
University of Tennessee: Year Four

Project gemaakt voor

University of Tennessee: Year Four

This is year three for me at the University of Tennessee
