EN: Major Niterói is a League of Legends tournament that will be held in Niterói. In the development of this visual identity, my main challenge was to create a versatile shield, which could be applied in different ways, targeting teens who are fans of e-sports (electronic sports). The concepts that the logo expresses are: modernity, seriousness and security, through a minimalist way. This championship is offered by the city hall of Niterói & Department of Sports and Leisure, together with INTZ A2E, an e-sports athletic association at UFF (Universidade Federal Fluminense).

Ricardo Azambuja

Open for freelance.
Feel free to write me on contact@ricardoazambuja.com

Major Niterói



Major Niterói

Projeto de identidade visual desenvolvido para o Major Niterói, torneio de esports da cidade de Niterói.
