Andrew Cravenho's profile


Andrew Cravenho is a man of great passion, and at the age of 22, he founded his first company. He has worked in several industries, and he has experience in creating an influencer marketing strategy. In the present modern world consumers being bombarded with messages from marketers about how those marketer's products or services are better than those of other, as well as how their offerings are going to fulfill consumer's need and expectations than the offering of their rivals. As they receive competing marketing messages from different brands, consumers become cynical about which brands to trust and to choose, and which to ignore. So, Mr. Andrew Cravenho addresses how marketers can make sure that their message is the one to get heard and absorbed. As a marketer, you should know that there is a better chance for your message to be picked up and acted on if it has more credibility than a conventional advertisement. You need to comprehend that cynicism among clients can be overcome.
For you, as an entrepreneur, to understand influencer marketing, you need to understand who influencers are. They are people who have established credibility and influence over an audience. By their reliability and authenticity, they can convince their audience about what they endorse. Influencers can be bloggers, influential customers, thought leaders, journalists, consultants, industry experts, or celebrities. A few ways that can help you are; creating a blog post or article about your company, including its products and services, and publish it on either their website or another website they may write for. Talk about and share information related to your products and services on their social networks. In influence marketing, companies form relationships with key influencers within their industry with the hope that those influencers will reference the company or share its content with the influencer's audience.
Andrew provides you with a few ideas to help you build a successful influencer marketing strategy; first, you need to know your influencers by doing some research online and finding them once you are clear about your company's goals and objectives. Ideally, your influencers should have a mix of both popularity and expertise. You have to work extra hard on it since it is hard for such an influencer to come by quickly. You can use digital tools such as Soc Metrics and Appinions, to scan through social media for most influential profiles. Once you have come up with a list of influencers, prioritize them based on the impact they create. The other thing is forming a relationship with your influencers; before bombarding them with emails work on forming relationships first. Go through their posts, articles, discussion threads, and other information that you come across.  Focus on your primary influencers; they will be the ones to get you traction. The idea is to develop a trustworthy and mutually beneficial relationship with them. Besides, tell them precisely what you want from them. Making things clear from the very beginning and honesty will prove to be the best policy. Give your influencers reason to share your stuff and finally tell them everything they need to know about your services and products.


Andrew Cravenho is a man of great passion, and at the age of 22, he founded his first company. He has worked in several industries, and he has ex Read More


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