Leah Bethmann's profile

[de]constructed food / Bauhaus 2019

[de]constructed food / Bauhaus 2019

Fotografie & Layout - Leah Bethmann
Teilnahme an der Klasse für künstlerische Fotografie Bauhaus 2019

The Bauhaus is still the most internationally influential think tank for architecture, art and design. The core of the Bauhaus idea was to combine art and handcraft and make it accessible to everyone.
Berlicum | Flakker | Purple Haze
Zucchini | Olivenöl | Knoblauch | Himalayasalz | Koriander | Kecap Manis
Mehl | Sprudelwasser | Backpulver | Kokosblütenzucker | Rapsöl | Drachenfruchtpulver
Erdnussmus | Himbeere Passionsfrucht | Aprikose | Waldbeere Weintraube | Mandelmus
Radiesschen | Karotte | Kirschtomate | Ingwer | Limette | Minze | Koriander | Sesam | Erdnussöl | Sojaoße
Rote Beete | Rettich | Olivenöl | Walnüsse | Sulawesi Pfeffer
Spitzkohl | Sauerampfer | Vadouvan Gewürzpaste | Minze
[de]constructed food / Bauhaus 2019

[de]constructed food / Bauhaus 2019
