Matthew Norris's profile

Sevcorp Home Business Profiles

Business Profiles
Servcorp Home is one of the world's largest business communities to sell your product, create and attend events, and enjoy exclusive discounts. The business profiles project aimed to give companies that are part of the Home platform greater visibility and ability to showcase their services. After having initial business profiles live for several years, the profile pages and settings were revisited to improve the user experience and completion rate of the profiles both of which weren't meeting their goals.

After user research, creation of user persona's and new settings flows, the profile and settings pages were redesigned.  
The final user facing profile pages and loading screens.
Mobile: Prototype
Desktop: Prototype
After initial interface designs were complete and user testing started, a decision was made to reorder the settings page into four tabs and group each section together. This made users life easier whilst at the same time encouraging completion of the most important aspects of profiles to be completed first. 
Sevcorp Home Business Profiles

Sevcorp Home Business Profiles



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